Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three steps to change the nation's future

Dave Ramsey:
We are at a crucial time in our country's financial history. We need everyone's help! Here are 3 steps you can take that will change our nation's future:

1) Pray for your leaders in Washington. Pray for them to resist a spirit of FEAR and to embrace WISDOM. Even if you don't like them or agree with them, pray for them and tell them you are praying for them. There is a spirit over this problem that must be broken. Also, most of the media personalities are afraid as well and that is affecting their reporting. Pray for fear to be removed from them; they are making this worse.

2) Send The Common Sense Fix to your Congressman and Senators and tell them how you expect them to vote, and that if they put this nation in $700 billion of debt, that you will vote them out. Whichever presidential candidate or political party that champions this plan from their leadership down will likely become the next president. That is because this plan fixes the crisis while going along with the wishes of the vast majority of Americans.

3) Send a link to this page to everyone in your address book and tell them to urgently follow these three steps TODAY.

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