Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tony Jones, Abortion and The Obama Campaign

Tony Jones (leader in the Emergent Movement) reports on a recent meeting he had with some leaders from the Obama campaign and how to handle the issue of abortion and winning over Christian voters who might be on the fence. He writes:
Last week, I had the pleasure of being on a conference call with a few other Christian leaders and some of the religious outreach staffers from the Obama campaign. I wrote about my support for Obama long ago, and I’ve been relatively active in my support of him ever since. I’ve been contacted by the campaign a couple times, but this was my first actual interaction.
Go over and read the post and then check out the comments section. There is some good food for thought there.


kentonself said...


Just want to give you your props for your comments.

Well done.

Ve said...

Keep fighting the good fight. I read the debate in the comments, and really appreciate your boldness and the spirit with which you're going about breaking down flimsy arguments for "choice". I believe the historical context of the Roe v. Wade decision is sorely neglected, yet is as critical to the debate as the issue of personhood, because the same forces that fought to legalize it are behind keeping it totally unfettered without qualification.

Anonymous said...

How can you say you don't know anything about or give a care about John McCain and yet you are willing to vote for him? That Moral Equivalence blog is VERY interesting when comparing life issues. You can't ignore it.

Anonymous said...

No one here has even responded to the fact I posted about McCain giving exceptions for abortions due to incest, rape, and mother's health.

Vitamin Z said...


The lesser of two evils.


Anonymous said...

thought so

Christopher Lake said...


I did respond to your comments (which were left after a previous post from Zach) about John McCain's "exceptions." I don't agree with his stance here *at all.*

Sadly, many (if not most) pro-life politicians share his stance on these "exceptions." These politicians are being inconsistent. They are simply wrong here.

I'll state my convictions in the same way that I stated them previously. McCain is wrong in this particular area, because deliberate murder of unborn humans is still deliberate murder of unborn humans, even if the surrounding circumstances include the horrors of rape, incest, or the mother possibly losing her life.

Now, having said that, John McCain is at least against "abortion (murder) rights" in most cases. Barack Obama is against "abortion (murder) rights" in exactly *no* cases. He is not in favor of *any* legal restrictions on abortion. For voters who care deeply about the lives of unborn humans, the choice should be clear.

Anonymous said...

i *heart* you christopher for being so respectful...even though we disagree.

abortion for rape, incest, and mother's life is still infanticide.

you know, if I wasn't conflicted about my vote, I wouldn't even engage in the debate. I'm not gung ho for BO. I'm torn between voting for BO and not voting at all.

Anonymous said...


You're my sister in Christ. If I want to be like Him (and I do), I will treat you respectfully. I understand that you're conflicted. I don't agree with what is *causing* the conflict, but I do understand. I just replied to your latest comments under the "Should A Pastor Talk About Abortion?" thread.

Christopher Lake said...


As I wrote in the comment above, I absolutely agree with you about abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and the mother's life still being murder. I don't know that I would say that abortion *is* infanticide, strictly speaking, because a fetus is not yet an infant. However, abortion is still as *morally bad* as infanticide, because both are the deliberate murders of human persons-- one unborn, the other born. Whether a human person is allowed to live definitely should not depend on that human person's *location* (inside the mother or outside) at the time though.

Vitamin Z said...



Anonymous said...

I've been following (and very much enjoying!) your blog for some time now. Thank you for your humility demonstrated throughout the discussion. It's been helpful in equipping me to speak knowledgeably (and hopefully gracefully) regarding this issue.

Anonymous said...

"abortion for rape, incest, and mother's life is still infanticide."

- And so out of the four candidates, the only one who agrees with you on this is the one just just referred to as the "idiot moron hockey mom".

I take back everything I said earlier; you're obviously putting on TONS of thought into this election.