Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wisdom For Our Sufferings

Ray Ortlund:
"...when we ourselves suffer in ways we cannot explain, God wants us to trust him more than we ever have before. Job eventually settles into a deeper place where, without answers to his questions, he trusts in the omni-competence of God: "I know that you can do all things" (42:2). What God can do is more important than how God explains himself. What if he did tell us every mystery right now? Would we be satisfied? I doubt it. It would only pander to our pride. Far better to leave it all with God, as our faith deepens from questioning to admiring. We don't live by explanations; we live by faith."


Christopher Lake said...

Once again, Ortlund hits another one out of the park, with his God-given wisdom, insight, and compassion. Zach, what can we do to get this brother out here for the next Clarus conference? I've seen him preach in person, and I know that he would bless DSC so much!

Vitamin Z said...

Funny you should ask. He is booked for the next Clarus with Sam Storms.


Christopher Lake said...

YES!! Zach, you just made my day with this news! Ortlund and Storms? Man, are we blessed at DSC (not that it's about men, but about a great God and the Biblical wisdom that He imparts)!