Monday, October 27, 2008

Is Obama a Socialist? You decide

Read more about this here.

Doug Groothuis comments here.

(HT: Matt Reisetter, JT)


Anonymous said...

It's a mistake to post this as a means of influencing Obama supporters to reconsider their vote. Sadly, many Obama supporters are naive enough to see 'socialism' as a net positive.

Simply read the comments on this site over the last month for proof of that. They, like Obama, see "spreading the wealth" (not by individual christian generosity, but rather under threat of criminal penalty from the IRS) as a positive.

It takes a village, and they soooooooooooo want to "stick it" to the evil rich people and make them pay for their college and health care.

Andy said...

Zach and The Sife (steve?), I've been reading your posts and comments about Obama for a long time now. Do you think that a vote for Obama calls into question a Christian's faith?

Vitamin Z said...


That is a hard one to answer. Probably not, but I can't wrap my mind around any Christian who would ever vote for BO.
