Thursday, October 23, 2008

John Piper on Blogging

What would you say to a pastor who is considering blogging?

Does having a blog affect your ministry?

(HT: The Crimson Window)


Anonymous said...

The very good questions that John Piper asks here are largely why I don't have a blog. Even commenting on blogs can sometimes be a snare, and I have to better guard my heart about it-- the flesh can be very subtle. I'm glad, though, that some are able to maintain blogs without it hindering them spiritually (hopefully).

Seth Ward said...

That second question was a doosie, huh?

Anonymous said...

I think what Piper is saying is what the bible says about everything, "acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths". Make sure your motives are pure, that you're God directed and that it doesn't become your idol...then you're good.

Anonymous said...


The tricky thing is, sometimes we don't know that something or someone has become our idol until that thing or person is taken out of our lives, or (which could be more likely in the case of blogging) until that thing or person has captured our worship (place of primacy above God in our hearts and lives), and we "wake up" at some point and realize just how much we have been involved in idolatry.

Boaly said...

They're great questions to ask myself & ponder over my heart with!