Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama - "Nobody is Pro-Abortion"

During the debate on Wednesday night, (click here for transcript) Obama made this statement to wrap up his comments on the issue of overturning Roe vs. Wade, "...nobody is pro-abortion. I think it's always a tragic situation".

If we look at this statement using a different issue we'll see that it simply does not work out.

I personally think that the lynching black people in our country's past was a very tragic situation (to put it lightly). But what if I voted over and over again in favor of legislation that made it legal to do so? Would you believe my words about it being a "tragic situation?" Any sane person would say, "No way, I don't buy it". Christian Obama voter, why do you buy it?

It really doesn't matter how Obama "feels" about abortion. His voting record tells the whole story. Don't believe the rhetoric that attempts to water down what is factual in his past. He is the most pro-abortion candidate this country has ever seen.

(Thanks to Sife for point this out.)

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Nobody is pro-abortion? Rubbish! I could probably find you plenty of pro-abortion people on my campus alone that don't see it as at all tragic or even remotely wrong.