Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Does An Obama Supreme Court Look Like?

John Armstrong has some reflections on the potential state of the Supreme Court in 2012. He writes:
Make no mistake about this. These two candidates have radically different views of the basis of law in the United States. One, John McCain, has argued for years for a fairly strict reliance upon “original intent” while the other, Barack Obama, is a radical activist in his view of the law. The law is an evolving concept for Obama. This underscores what I have been saying to friends for some months now that Bill Clinton was our first "baby-boom" president and Barack Obama will be our first "post-modern" president.
Read the whole thing before you vote in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This will surely be the lasting legacy of self-described Christians who vote for Obama. More babies will die because of their vote.

They desperately hope that they'll never be called on it.