Monday, December 29, 2008

Christian Culture Resolutions

Stuff Christians Like posts his 20 resolutions for the new year. You know you relate to many of these.
1. Put the devil on notice more often.

2. Throw at least one movie, CD, or book away and not repurchase it three weeks later when my temporary guilt has worn off.

3. Win the “please turn to” Bible verse race every Sunday.

4. Be the silver medal friend that isn’t good enough to be in the wedding party but instead is asked to read “Love is patient” during the ceremony.

5. Read a one year walk through the entire Bible plan in roughly two years.

6. Master the “Stop that” church hand grab in case my kids ever act up during service.

7. Keep kids at camp or in the youth group from “making purple.”

8. Become a pro at the “whisper of importance” that sly trick we all do when it’s time to break it on down with a serious message.

9. Refuse to use the word “postmodern” in every sentence I speak.

10. Crush all foes in the “VBS Decorating Wars.”

11. Rededicate my life. Again. No this time I’m serious, it is on.

12. Find more subtle ways to discover if I’m with a Christian that will also drink a glass of wine or a pint of beer.

13. Look more spiritual, more in love and more generous at church. (Hint, don’t let your wife knit.)

14. Help tall people get baptized with less awkwardness.

15. Find someone that will paint my mural.

16. Get a holier email address and quit using Godisgoodandbeautiful777@yahoo

17. Retire the Michael Phelps sermon illustration.

18. Write better Christian hate mail.

19. Shine up less scars.

20. Fishbowl a church drummer.

21. Say "Razzle Dazzle" 22% more or stop telling people I’ll prayer for them and then not.


Ched said...

Help tall people get baptized with less awkwardness.


Ve said...

Loved those - I need to check in with SCL more often. I'd forgotten about it.