Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Screwtape On Stage

Relevant Magazine profiles Max McLean in the Broadway adaptation of C.S. Lewis', Screwtape Letters. Here is the intro:
After seeing Max McLean perform a one-man play in New York, playwright Jeffrey Fiske had a conversation with him that went something like this:

“Hello, Max? I just saw your production of Genesis and, y’know, you’d make a great Screwtape. I’d like to write an adaptation for the stage.”

“Hold on. Are you saying you just saw me depict several heroes of the Bible and your response is that I should play a demon?”


“Makes sense to me. I’m in.”
Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

J. Curtis Watson said...

Saw this production a couple of weeks ago. Maclean is amazing. I speak as one who has seen many productions in the 10 years I've lived in the chicago area. The production is remarkably small only two performers and Maclean is the only one speaking for nearly an 90 minutes. I went to the show really tired but was captivated the entire time. Rarely can one be marvelously entertained and be stirred to greater holiness at the same time.