Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Trueman on Miller's Newsweek Gay-Marriage Article

Carl Trueman adds his voice in response to Lisa Miller's Newsweek article on gay-marriage. Here is his article. Here is his conclusion:
The article does end on a note with which I wholeheartedly agree, however, at least on the surface. She quotes a pro-gay priest as saying `if Jesus were alive today, he would reach out especially to the gays and lesbians among us.' Amen, So he would. But not with the tawdry bauble of passing social acceptance; rather he would reach out with the love of the Father for those who are unlovely, offering them life in abundance, not through some intense but illict orgasm; rather through the forgiveness and newness of life that comes from life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even as the church must dismantle erroneoues hermeneutics and defend the authority of scripture, so she must also reach out with the love of the gospel to the dirty, the immoral, the things that are not, with the light of the gospel. With what does the Chirst of Ms Miller reach out? A piece of paper and the promise of a few years of companionship, perhaps some great sex, and then what?

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