Monday, January 12, 2009

Bush's Final Press Conference

(RSS people you'll have to click over to my site to view)

He has some interesting reflections on his presidency.

"Misunderestimated me". Is that a word? I am so glad he left us with that gem.

(HT: Denny Burk)


Seth Ward said...


Right out of the chute. Ka-bam. And they seem to happen at penultimate moments.

"And the point that I am trying to make is that the press has misuderestimated me."

And he wonders why...

Oh well, I'm sure I'd bumble my words plenty if I were in his position.

Quick joke:

When George W Bush was asked if he suffered from dyslexia, he responded firmly, "ON."

Dan S. said...

The problem with stuff like this is that generally, people don't follow politics closely enough to know that he was mocking himself (and the SNL caricature of him) with that intentional line.

The reason he smirked when he said it was because he was using the word intentionally.

Secondarily, in these white house press conferences, I'm always struck by how the professionals asking him questions (and the ones who later make fun of Bush) more often than not screw up their words, or stumble, and their only asking a 15 second question.

Joanna said...

Misunderestimated... maybe thats a short hand way of saying "because they misunderstood me they underestimated me"?

Anonymous said...

i thought surely he was joking about the "misunderestimated" line. the other line I liked was about him not being able to picture himself lying on the beach in a straw hat...especially since he gave up drinking.