Thursday, January 08, 2009

Obama On College Football Playoff

Denny Burk:

(click over to watch the video)

John Harwood interviewed President-elect Barack Obama last night and asked him what college football team should be ranked number one right now. Obama reiterated his support for a playoff system in Division 1A college football. That’s change that even I can believe in!

You can watch the video of Obama’s remarks above, or read the transcript below:

HARWOOD: Last question. Florida plays Oklahoma tomorrow in the, what’s widely regarded as the national championship game. You’ve talked about the need for a college football playoff. Do you think Utah, which finished undefeated by defeating Alabama, has a good a claim as either of those schools to be the national champion?

OBAMA: I think Utah has a pretty good claim. They’re undefeated. And Florida and Oklahoma both are well…(unintelligible). I think USC, which had a great Rose Bowl, beat Penn State pretty badly. They’ve got a pretty good claim to being number one. Florida and Oklahoma, I think, both have a claim. Texas, at this point, has got to feel like, `Well, we did OK, too.’ I think–I think a football playoff system makes sense. I’ve spoken about this quite a bit, and I think if you look at knowledgeable sports fans, they agree with me. But, you know, I’ve got to pick and choose my battles. I probably am going to be spending more time focusing on creating three more–three million more jobs.


Joe Selness said...

I think President-elect Obama should be focusing on more important things, like fixing the NFL overtime system. Sudden-death is killing America.

Josh R said...

Why do they call it division 1-A football? There is no longer 1-AA so the name really doesn't make much sense does it?

I think he has a better chance of success at fixing football than fixing the economy, but that is another issue.