Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cultures Don't Come To Christ, People Do

James McDonald writes a convicting post about evangelism. I found this paragraph to be hard and challenging, but probably needs to be said.
"...seeking to share Christ with the masses of immensely immoral 20 somethings that inhabit such regions is a worthy goal; but why is that target so popular? Almost everyone it seems wants access to the arts district in Austin Tx., or the uptown area of Atlanta. Who is this about really? When did style statements, and fashionable eye wear, and how I dress and how I act, and my toootally tasteful music preferences become such a key ingredient in reaching ‘the culture?’ Who is all this really about? Is it about lost broken people in these areas dying without Christ and without hope? Or is it about me choosing a place of ministry that advances my personal mission of self expression? I’m just asking . . ."
His conclusion:
"I think it’s high time we started challenging the ‘talk about it people’ to get over themselves and dive into the messy business of actually doing it. Cultures don’t come to Christ, people do, one at a time."
I could take issue with some thing here and there in this piece, but I think it is helpful to read it and think it over.

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