Friday, February 06, 2009

If Only The Doctor Had Shown Up On Time It Would Have Been Fine

Denny Burk comments on yesterdays story about the alleged botched abortion/murder of the little girl in Florida:

The report also says that this story has “shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate.” Of course, pro-life people are scandalized by stories like this one, but it is disingenuous for pro-choice people to behave as if they are shocked that this kind of thing happens with botched abortions. Abortion rights supporters lobby against laws that protect babies who survive abortions. That is why so many of us were sounding the alarm about President Obama during the 2008 election. As an Illinois legislator, Obama opposed a law that would protect little girls like this one from being treated like refuse. And he said at the time that he opposed legal protection for survivors of abortion because it might imply that abortion itself is taking the life of a human person. Abortion-rights proponents praised him for this stand, and none of them should be acting surprised by this latest story.

Finally, a word to those of you who either support abortion rights or who are indifferent to this whole issue. If you are shocked and appalled at how this little girl was killed, then why not be shocked and appalled at the fact that if the doctor had arrived on time the same outrage would have occurred? The only difference would have been that the killing would have taken place in a different location.

The story shows with crystal clarity the complete backwards nature of the pro-abortion position.

Why the moral outrage? Why the "shock"? Do you feel morally outraged by this story? Do you feel shocked? Did you vote for Obama?

Ponder the lunacy of this logic and then tell me how in the world you could vote for a guy who embraces it.

Obama's position: If a baby is 23 weeks old in the womb and a woman chooses to have a doctor kill it, this position = no moral outrage.

If a baby is delivered accidentally at 23 weeks and exists outside of the womb and the doctor kills it, this position = HUGE moral outrage.

In what parallel universe do Christian look at that and go, "Yes! That's my man! That's the change I am hoping for!" People, this is on the same level as saying 2+2 = 4 and 2+2=5 all at the same time. And so many of us voted for a guy who holds this backward position.

Do you really want to align yourself with a candidate that honestly believes that location (in the womb or out of it) is the defining mark of whether or not a person should be protected from being killed? Friends, this is not that hard to figure out.

How Christians could align themselves with a person who so clearly believes and fights for this insane line of thinking is so baffling to me, it's beyond words. I can sort of understand how unbelievers could do this, but Christians? Please don't make the same mistake four years from now.

It's really sad that it will take stories like this that expose the truth of abortion to shake Christians enough to notice that their heads were so buried in the sand that they didn't want to see how crazy the abortion position really is. Along with that, how crazy it is to align yourself with a candidate that is so darkened in his thinking about life that he won't see a baby as a protectable human from conception.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horrifying case...

Here's an interview with the mom about what happened. It frames the whole thing from the mom's experience: