Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seeking to Reduce Abortion Is Not Necessarily ProLife

Justin Taylor reports:
This is a superb sentence by Frank Beckwith: "Reducing the number of these discretionary acts of killing simply by trying to pacify and/or accommodate the needs of those who want to procure or encourage abortions only reinforces the idea that the unborn are subhuman creatures whose value depends exclusively on someone else’s wanting them or deciding that they are worthy of being permitted to live." Very well said. Beckwith offers the following illustration:
Imagine if someone told you in 19th century America that he was not interested in giving slaves full citizenship, but merely reducing the number of people brought to this country to be slaves. But suppose another person told you that he too wanted to reduce the number of slaves, but proposed to do it by granting them the full citizenship to which they are entitled as a matter of natural justice. Which of the two is really “against slavery” in a full-orbed principled sense? The first wants to reduce the number of slaves, but only while retaining a regime of law that treats an entire class of human beings as subhuman property. The second believes that the juridical infrastructure should reflect the moral truth about enslaved people, namely, that they are in fact human beings made in the image of their Maker who by being held in bondage are denied their fundamental rights.

Just as calling for the reduction of the slave population is not the same as believing that slaves are full members of the moral community and are entitled to protection by the state, calling for a reduction in the number of abortions is not the same as calling for the state to reflect in its laws and policies the true inclusiveness of the human family, that it consists of all those who share the same nature regardless of size, level of development, environment or dependency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weird - I've never heard Dr. Beckwith referred to as Frank. (I'm a Baylor student).

While I do certainly believe that a complete elimination of abortion is the goal, pro-lifers can't really afford to burn their bridges with those who want to reduce abortion. Modern American politics tend to polarize; finding common ground with sympathetic (if not identical) groups is progress toward a goal.

And even many Free Soilists and early Republicans (Lincoln included) supported the non-expansion of slavery as acceptable progress toward the elimination of slavery. It is important to remember that an anti-slavery Republican probably would not have been elected to office at all without igniting strife both within the Republican party and with the Southern and Northern Democrats.