Friday, February 20, 2009

This One Goes In The "I'm Not Surprised" Category

Obama Beats Out Jesus as America's Hero

Unparalleled hype. I have never seen anything like it. This is not-surprising at all. I wonder what we'll be saying in four years?


LanternBright said...

"Come QUICKLY, Lord Jesus!!!!"

John C said...

Do we really want/need to think of Jesus as a "hero" in a poll result? Come on . . . I'm actually surprised he has been the hero in past results of the poll. (not that I've ever heard of it before.) I mean - Jesus is so much more than that. We don't need poll results to recognize Him or give Him his due. I'd almost wish people NOT list him there. As if God/Jesus are terribly concerned about it - nor should we be. Let's just continue to find one more way to bash our President again, huh? Would Jesus write a blog post such as this about it?

Anonymous said...

"Let's just continue to find one more way to bash our President again, huh?"

- Just as you find yet another way to ignore that you idolize and helped elect someone who has already guaranteed that millions more kids will be aborted.

Sleep tight.

DonnyTop5 said...

I haven't read Pres. Obama's book, nor do I know a whole lot about the guy other than what I've gleaned in passing from the media and from a few Relevant Podcasts and articles. He confesses he is a Christian as far as I know and I bet he feels not just a little bit awkward about those poll results. Or he would if he'd read it, anyways....Jesus would be the ultimate hero wouldn't he? Conquering sin and death... I guess that depends on your definition though.

DonnyTop5 said...

wow sife, assume much? Not that you don't have a point, but when you make it like that your only talking to yourself...