Monday, March 16, 2009

9 Things the Media Messed Up About the Obama Stem Cell Story

Read about it here. Here are his nine points. Read the article to see them fleshed out.

#1. Omitting the importance of iPS cells (induced Pluripotent Stem Cells).

#2. Omitting that the diseases everyone is talking about curing (diabetes, Parkinson's, paralysis) have already been treated with adult stem cells.

#3. Perpetuating the myth that stem cell research will likely cure Alzheimer's disease.

#4. Omitting the dangers of HESCR (Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research).

#5. Confusing or combining reproductive cloning with research cloning.

#6. Creating a false choice that “leftover” embryos will either be used for research or be killed.

#7. Dehumanizing human embryos.

#8. Responding to a Strawman argument that pro-lifers are concerned about embryos being misused in laboratories (other than killing them).

#9. Bush’s policy restricted tax dollars being used on “all” stem cell research.

1 comment:

MTR said...

The ad my opponent ran against me during the last 2 weeks of our 2006 race employed a handful of these media lies. The implication was that since I didn't support embryonic stem cell research, I wanted people with Parkinson's disease to die.

We lost by 106 votes, largely due to the fear that the said ad created in people. In retrospect, I'm glad we did lose (that time), but that doesn't mean I'm OK with all the misinformation and manipulation being promoted by the Left on this subject.

Good post. Conservatives and Christians need help navigating the lies surrounding embryonic stem cell research.