Monday, March 02, 2009

Christians Should Be The Ones Who Appreciate Art

Last night we had our first annual "For The Joy of Music and the Glory of God" concert at DSC. It was a great event. I think God was glorified as his creatures reflected his creativity back to him. We had a great turn out and they were very responsive to what we played. (Youtube videos coming soon).

As I was sitting backstage during one of the classical numbers, it occurred to me that this type of thing is what Christians should be all about. Of all the people in the world, Christians should be the ones who rejoice in and appreciate with gladness God's creation more than anyone else. Why? Because we know and are saved by the One who is supremely creative!

Christians should be the ones who appreciate art. Our God is supremely creative, thus we should rejoice in seeing his creativity reflected in his people.

Yes, we can walk the line of idolatry (Romans 1) through worshiping the creation instead of the Creator, but with those dangers fully in mind I think we need a revitalization of appreciation for what God has made through his people.

So I say let's get together and have more concerts, art showings, dance recitals and nature expeditions for the glory of God! Let's be known as people who fully embrace the distinction between Creator and creation (unlike the church of Oprah), yet are not dismissive of what God has made and are able to fully rejoice in it.

Who is with me?


Patricia said...

Me!!!! As I was preparing to speak on the subject "Loving God with Our Minds" at a women's retreat this past fall, I realized that developing and using our unique creative gifts is one of the ways we do just that.

Anonymous said...

Annual? I was hoping it would become a quarterly thing maybe. It was really good; thank you for having that.

D.J. Williams said...


Jim Coates said...


I totally agree. In fact, I think this extends beyond just "art". Christians tend to steer clear of the beauty of many things: art, emotions, relationships (this has MANY levels).

It seems that we get caught up in the "if this can be perverted, we should avoid it" scenarios. While the truth of the matter is, in healthy context it ought to steer us toward the Father rather than interfere. We should be amazed by the depth of His creativity and creation.

Seth Ward said...

Right here buddy. I think what you are doing at your Church is absolutely awesome. It is outside of the box and just so darn cool.

I think that Jim nailed it.

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely with you, Zach. I loved art of all kinds before I was a Christian, and I have an even deeper, though more careful, appreciation for it now after being saved.

Actually, I would love it if I could find some like-minded Christians to go to see thought-provoking films. There is an independent movie theater in Albuquerque (the Guild Cinema), and while some of what they show is not edifying (a week-long porn festival, for example), they do show very interesting indie films and documentaries. Where are the Christians in ABQ who go to see such films though? (Not that I have to go with Christians-- but doing so would be a way to for us to collectively appreciate the glory of God in art.)

Anonymous said...

Also, I agree with Mark-- let's have these celebrations of God's glory through art at DSC more often! What a great way for us to think and live more holistically as Christians, and also a great witness to the community that Christians are thinking people who appreciate creativity!

Thanks again for the show last night! Looking forward to the videos!

Eric J. Hansen (Spot) said...

with you bro - right on.