Thursday, March 12, 2009

Christless Christianity - A Review by Jared Wilson

Jared Wilson reviews Michael Horton's "Christless Christianity". His conclusion:
From his knowledge of historical theology to his eagle eye on contemporary evangelicalism with its bigger/better/faster, its slick marketing, and its 7 Steps to the Successful Life, Horton's critique is nearly flawless, practically devastating, and immensely helpful.

The only problem I can foresee with Christless Christianity is that it will not be read by those who most need to do so. Horton's book is a grenade. But with the Church already submerged in so much noise and so much chaos, those most in need of its explosive power aren't likely to feel it.

So many times those of us urging greater gospel-centrism are just preaching to the choir, not necessarily by choice, but because those in need of the message have inoculated themselves against it, have reflexively decided to tune it out. Our brothers and sisters who desperately need to hear this message won't. I would love to airdrop copies of Horton's final chapter "A Call to the Resistance" over every church in America. But since there aren't many exclamation points in it (and Horton doesn't use phrases like "off the chain!") it will likely only be met with a yawn.

Which is just more proof that it is true.

I pray daily that the message of Horton's book (and all those who share it) will not just be voices crying alone in the wilderness, but it may be so. Nevertheless, the prophecy is sound. And revolutionary.

Thanks, Dr. Horton, for an incredible work.

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