Friday, March 06, 2009

Irony of Ironies

Please read this article from a very pro-abortion blog in response to the story about the baby in FL that was killed by clinic staff when it was born before the doctor showed up to terminate it.

The final statement of the post says, "...we're all horrified on her behalf."


I don't get the outrage. Remember, the baby was supposed to be dead. Why the outrage? Just read some of the comments in the post and help me understand how people can think this way. I simply don't get it.

Doctor kills baby = two thumbs up

Someone else kills the baby = two thumbs way down

We can't have it both ways.

One could say that since the mother had the chance to see the baby, then the staff should have shown more restraint and considered the feelings of the mother before they disposed of it. I agree. If I was that mother, that would have been horribly traumatic. But doesn't that more than anything say something strongly negative about the legalized killing of these babies? If we bury our head in the sand and don't look at it, then it's fine, but if we actually see the child then we shouldn't kill it? Seems horribly illogical.

Do we really want the value of life determined by the will of the stronger party (the mother)? Sounds like natural selection to me. Great in biology, not good in sociology.


Jason Kanz said...

Unbelievable. I read the comments and I am amazed how many strongly pro-choicers express outrage on this issue. What is the issue for them?

1) Location
2) air in the lungs
3) being confronted with seeing an actual baby.

I agree, you can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

I think many pro-choicers are only in favor of abortion when it isn't a baby. The question is when does the fetus become a baby, i.e. capable of full human rights? At this stage in the game, 23 weeks, right on the cusp of viability where about 50% of those born will survive, most people have determined it is a baby, specifically if it is born alive.

I think many pro-choice women don't realize how human an unborn baby is, even in the first trimester, until they see it for themselves in an ultrasound. Most women, when shown an ultrasound, will decide to keep the child over aborting it.