Tuesday, April 14, 2009

34 Reasons I Love My Wife

Today my wife Kim turns 34. In honor of her birthday I wanted to list 34 reasons why I love her.
1. She loves God more than me.
2. She is selfless.
3. She is humble and graceful.
4. She loves to care for people.
5. She has the most beautiful blue eyes.
6. She loves to have people into our home.
7. She has no problem getting her hands dirty (she's not a girly-girl).
8. She is passionate about her personal growth.
9. She is willing to do radical kingdom things.
10. She does not fear the future.
11. She does not hesitate to give financially to those in need.
12. She loves to be transparent with people.
13. She loves to memorize scripture.
14. She is a very hard worker.
15. She loves to pour her life into younger women.
16. She is extremely insightful.
17. She is a great teacher of adults and kids.
18. She has the ability to handle a lot.
19. She is tough.
20. She tells me the truth.
21. She follows where I lead.
22. She values our marriage.
23. She is not stubborn.
24. She likes to exercise.
25. She would never let me persist in sin without saying anything.
26. She loves the church and helps our kids do the same.
27. She is my biggest supporter.
28. She is wise beyond her years.
29. She is rather easy on the eyes.
30. She embodies Christ-like sacrifice with myself and the kids.
31. She is adventurous.
32. She is great with home projects.
33. Did I mention that I find her quite attractive?
34. She makes the best cookies!


Christopher Lake said...

This was a great idea, Zach. Thanks for being a Godly example of husbandry, especially for those of us men who aren't yet married. Very cool, brother!

Christopher Lake said...

Oh, and happy birthday, Kim! :-)

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

wow. i want to know her. seriously. wow. next time you're in Orlando, please come say hi. Happy Birthday, Kim!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all 34 blessings flow!

jamie said...

dude those are so true.. so so true! i wish i was kim! :) or maybe closer to each other, in miles, so that i could learn more from her! i have ALWAYS thought she was amazing.. and looked up to her since i first became a believer!

M&M in Japan said...

Happy Birthday, Kim!