Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Under-Cover Planned Parenthood Video

It grieves me that after 5 or so of these videos have been released, Planned Parenthood seems to not be dealing with this problem.


Joe Selness said...

It grieves me that the government is not dealing with this either. Instead, they ignore it and keep giving them my money.

Mark S said...

I guess their way of "dealing with it" is to ignore, overlook, deny, whatever. Because OBVIOUSLY to PP and governments, a woman's right to choose to have her unborn baby killed trumps everything else.

What is even more astonishing to me is that B.H.O. is in favor of MAKING SURE that a baby a woman wants dead is dead, even if he or she survives the abortion procedure and is born.

Deek Dubberly said...

Thanks for the post. I used it and game you some props over at

By the way, I totally dig your blog. I'm subscribed to like a 100 on Google Reader, and your's is definitely in my top 5.