Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Commentary on Twitter

(HT: Carlos)


sean.b said...

I agree with this. I think Twitter is pointless and wastes times. There's much better ways to keep in touch with your friends...

mari mayborn said...

Thanks for posting this...I was just looking into twitter and after looking at their sight...I was thinking, "I just don't get it." Guess maybe I did after all. Hilarious video. Oh no, now what do I do...I have no where to announce to the world that I posted a comment on Vit. Z!

Jena Webber said...

This was so funny! I have 94 people following me on twitter, and I'm not even sure why. I just turn around and say I'm following them, but really? I'm not sure why either.

Zack said...

Funny, well-done video!

I agree that twitter is often mis-used and it's not right for a lot of folks. I think it facilitates pride, self-promotion, and discontentment for a lot of folks.

I have actually 'followed' 'ministry leaders' who mostly just tweet about their newest toys or promotions or accomplishments, which seems very un-Christlike.

Nevertheless, I think twitter is a great tool for certain purposes and certain people.

For example, I sit at a desk writing code 9 hours a day, and I usually work from home (which doesn't matter because my 'office' is full of people who work from home too, so it's always empty).

So in my case, twitter is actually really helpful.

I can tweet 'stressed out because I'm not getting through to my boss' and get several encouraging and challenging responses...

So, just throwing out the other side of the argument: I believe it's good for some folks.

Amy said...

I actually don't like this video at all. But thanks for pointing it out, I think I'll blog about why. ;)