Thursday, April 30, 2009

Putting Real Images With The Word "Choice"

This clip from Lake of Fire shows the reality of abortion that few will ever see. This is part of the problem. Most people can rationalize away what they are not forced to actually come to terms with. I'm sure that most Christians who voted for Obama probably didn't visualize the clip below when they chose to align themselves with a guy who is in full support of the right of this to continue. To me, this is mind-boggling.

The first part of the clip shows clearly that these are not easy decisions as you hear from the mothers. Yes, it is complex and very difficult, but this reality does not excuse murder.

**Warning** - This clip contains some non-sexual, medical nudity. I know this might offend some of you, but I feel as though it's worth the risk. If you don't want to see it please at least watch from 1:50 to the end. We have to come face to face with the horror that is abortion. We can't allow people to hide behind the words "choice". Always make them finish the statement. Choose to do what?

Watch this clip and be grieved. Pray. Repent of self-righteousness. Pass it along.

If that was not enough, read this. I cannot wrap my mind around our culture of death.


Greg Schnee said...

I did NOT want to watch this. Yet I am glad I did. The cool and methodical Auschwitz-like calmness of the situation is a staggering reminder that when truth becomes relative in a screaming match of power the voiceless are always the first to go. Thanks for your boldness Z.

Matthew said...

It is seriously unreal how that doctor can just pick through body parts and not see (or not care) what he's doing. Absolutely unreal. I don't care your stance on things, doesn't a conscience kick in at some point?

Thanks for sharing this Z. I wish more pro-abortion people would watch this and have the guts to face what they're defending.

Mark Smith said...

That was staggering. I have seen things like this before, and have never been dulled to it. Those little hands and feet, nose mouth and eyes. And for the doctor to say, "The REALLY important thing is that we're helping her get on with her life."

Ephesians 2:1-3 come to mind, along with Galatians 2:20 . I know that there are some non-Christians who likewise see abortion as wrong. I cannot see how anyone who names Christ as his or her Lord and Savior could, with any knowledge, agree with the supposed "right" to murder a life in a body that is being knit together and is dependent upon his or her mother. HOW?! Granted, some just don't know, haven't seen...or looked...or thought.

Abortion providers really ought to be made to wear the lightning bolt SS on their lab coats or something.

Adam said...

Wow Z, as Greg said, thanks for your boldness. This wrecks me. I've done some service in an crisis pregnancy center, and man does this make me want to get back to it.

It's absolutely appalling how blind people are (the doctor) to spiritual reality. We must love these people and tell them that Jesus is Lord. No really, we, I, really need to get out there and talk with people about this. The anti-abortion propaganda that makes the news should NOT be the only thing young mothers are allowed to see.

We've, I've, got to show compassion and offer some real help. We've got to let these folks, doctors and moms alike, that Jesus is Lord and that he's calling us to a higher and better allegiance than "getting on with our lives" or "going to college first."

We need to show people that the god of this culture would have us murder our children, but the God who has revealed himself as Creator and Lord both loves us and will provide for us even when we find ourselves in unexpected situations.

Mark, I like your impulse against this, but I gotta say, very bad idea about the SS thing. Nazi's singled out Jews in this way, and who wound up being the real bad guys? Not that the Jews were guilty like abortion docs are, of course; singling out a group of people like that out of anger is not the way to convince them of the lordship of Christ.

Unknown said...

Zach, thank you, as always, for your relentless voice on this issue.

just like others, i've already seen it all.. but the calmness of this doctor picking through body parts is... i don't even have a word for it yet...

Dan S. said...

Sleep tight, Obama voters.

Eddie said...

The video has been removed from YouTube (which is totally unsurprising, not because of the political implications, but because it's simply a graphic video). Do you know where there's another link to this clip?