Saturday, April 18, 2009

"You Have Never Heard of Michael Jordan?!?"

As readers of this blog know, I like to play basketball with my 6-year-old son. We were sitting around yesterday watching a game and I said something about Michael Jordan and I said to him, "You know who Michael Jordan is right?" He was like, "No".


Oh yeah, you are six. Your earliest basketball memories will probably be Kobe and Lebron. Wow.

It was clear that I needed to help this poor little guy out who had never taken in the special grace from God that was gifted to MJ in the form of insane basketball skillz. (That's right, skillz)

So we just watched this short highlight reel. Check it.

I had never seen some of these highlights. I forgot how freak nasty he was, especially when he was younger.

After we watched this he didn't seem that impressed. A six-year-old probably doesn't have the context to be able to appreciate this level of play and also because he sees me dunk like that in the backyard all the time...

Should I tell him it's a bit easier to do on an 8 ft. hoop? I'll probably wait on that one.


Los said...

An answer like that gets a spanking in the Griego house. Especially when one of our kids is named after him!

Teach your boy well Z, do not let him follow the ways of Lebron or Kobe!

Christy said...

Back when the NBA was still fun to watch. He was incredible, wasn't he?

Sock Monkey said...

I have many students who wear Jordan branned shoes and clothing. I was talking about how great MJ was as a basketball player and many of them didn't know he was a basketball player, much less a person. To them he was a brand.

It was a sad day for me.