Friday, May 01, 2009

Marriage As Means of Ministerial Perseverance

As most of you know we are having our Clarus conference this weekend at Desert Springs Church. This afternoon we had a brunch with our staff, elders and our speakers, Ray Ortlund and Sam Storms. After we ate we had an informal time of Q and A. It was GREAT. Both of these men exuded the grace of God in their lives and in their answers to us.

Here was the question I asked:
Since you are speaking to many right now who are young ministers, would you give us some counsel on how to persevere in ministry? How do we finish well?
I was suprised by Dr. Storm's answer. After a long pause of reflection he said he was aware that the answer he was giving was unconventional, but he honestly feels that one of the biggest reasons he has persevered in ministry for so many years is due to his healthy relationship with his wife. She has protected, challenged, encouraged and loved him for so many years and he said this (on the human side of things) has kept him faithful in ministry for so many years.

Dr. Ortlund was very impressed with this answer and really didn't add much to it. He completely affirmed what Dr. Storms said as well.

As I reflect on my own marriage I think these guys are right. More than anything I don't want to let my wife down. She has trusted me with so much. Her life, her kids, her goals, etc. How could I betray that trust?

But also, when ministry life beats me up, she is ready to swoop in and care for me. Sometimes this takes the form of a challenge, sometimes it takes the form of a listening ear, and other times it's taking on the roll of "Mama Bear" and seeking to protect me and defend me.

More than anything these men challenged me and reminded me again of the huge need to invest in my family. This has to be a #1 priority. I am seeking to keep it there.

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