Monday, June 15, 2009

Abortion and Child Abuse - A Connection?

Randy Alcorn:
“Studies indicate that child abuse is more frequent among mothers who have previously had an abortion.” Dr. Philip Ney’s studies indicate that this is partially due to the guilt and depression caused by abortion, which hinders the mother’s ability to bond with future children. He documents that having an abortion decreases a parent’s natural restraint against feelings of rage toward small children.

Both mother and father override their natural impulse to care for a helpless child when they choose abortion. Having suppressed that preserving instinct, it may become less effective in holding back rage against a newborn’s helplessness, a toddler’s crying, or a pre­schooler’s defiance.

The attitude that results in abortion is exactly the same attitude that results in child abuse. Furthermore, if she doesn’t abort, the mother can look at her difficult three­-year-old and think, “I had the right to abort you.” The child owes her everything; she owes the child nothing. This causes resentment of demands requiring parental sacrifice. Even if subconscious, the logic is inescapable: If it was all right to kill the same child before birth, surely it’s all right to slap him around now.

(HT: Challies)

1 comment:

Joe Selness said...

The pro-abortion camp has long argued that abortion would prevent unwanted children from being abused. (Murder is better than abuse?) While I feel reluctant to embrace this study as a compelling argument, the pro-abort camp are the ones who suggested that abortive parents are prime candidates for child abuse.