Monday, June 01, 2009

Basketball Camp

I dropped off my oldest this morning for his first day of a week long basketball camp.

Three reflections:
1. My children are growing older (I know you can't stop this train). The gradual process of letting them go has commenced. Makes a guy kind of sad.

2. Fighting hard to not turn into the "psycho sports Dad". I resolve to fight the desire to be the frothing at the mouth, yelling at the refs, constantly challenging the coaches decisions, kind of sports parent. Nothing more annoying than that guy. I resolve to not be him. I could be him.

3. Kindergartners trying to play five-on-five is quite amusing.

1 comment:

Shadley said...

Oh my word Zach, we are too alike at times. Eden is playing Softball, which, by the way, would have been my sport of choice if I had not been "gifted" with no balance system...anyhoo...I go between trying not to laugh at how hilarious the game is and restraining myself from yelling at the coach who I am convinced is "screwing up" the sweet swing we have worked months to perfect...I will not be that parent either! Really, I won't.