Monday, June 29, 2009

Book Giveaway Winners!

Last week we ran a giveway for Bruce Ware's "Big Truths for Young Hearts". I asked for some of your funniest parenting stories. I would pick three winners from all the submissions to receive a free copy of his great new book for teaching kids the essential elements of our faith. Here are the three winning stories:

Gelaine Jensen writes:
A few months ago I was with the kids at the Doctor’s office, when a man with an eye patch walked by... Oliver (then 2 years old) gasped, “A pirate!” Then at the Balloon Fiesta, we were walking and, again, Oliver pointed at a man with long hair and a long beard, and said “Look! It’s Chewbacca.”

I have been trying to teach him to tell me what he thinks first.

Reegz writes:
While grocery shopping a few years back the cashier asked my 4 year-old-son Jace if he could spell his name. He proceeded to spell it perfectly and she challenged him then to spell his brothers name (Levi). She said it like this, "Well, I bet you can't spell your brothers name."

He replied matter-of-factly, "E-V-I-L!"

Oh, to have captured the look on the cashiers face as I corrected Jace and assured her of the mistake. Priceless!

Jeff Slater writes:
Emmett, my oldest, was three, and had just been potty trained. His grandmother arrived to take him to my softball game down the street. Before leaving, he was told to go potty. When he came out of the bathroom, his mother asked him, "Emmett, why is your head wet?" And Emmett replied, "I pee'd on my head." My wife and her mother looked at each other in disbelief. "No, it's not possible!" grandma said. My wife said, "You'd better smell it." And sure enough, Emmett had pee'd on his head.

Here is mine, written by my wife Kim:
Taylor and I were in the car together by ourselves when all of the sudden he asks, "Mom, do you think you need to rethink your life?".

Where does this kid get these things? When I asked where he got that question, he just said, "I thought it up by myself." (actually sounds like some great advertising to me:). After laughing, I admitted that that was a very deep question. He pushed a little more, "Do you think you can answer it?"

Hmmm. It actually lead to a great discussion about how Zach and I have tried to be very intentional in how we live so that we are in line with Scripture, the gospel, and live in such a way that is pleasing to God. I was able to share how I can get too busy though and then not have as much time for what is truly the most important (God, family, etc).

Great discussion all inspired by my inquisitive, deep thinking 6 year old!

Thanks to all those who participated!

1 comment:

Jason Kanz said...

Congrats to the winners (although I thought my story was pretty good). Apparently this worked for Crossway; as soon as I found out I didn't win, I went out and purchased a copy of the book to work through with my 9 year old. The first piece of God's general revelation was pretty good and, I think, accessible to my daughter.