Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Couple More Thoughtful Responses To The Tiller Murder

Doug Wilson:

The scenario usually runs like this: if you were walking down the street, and saw someone about to murder a child, would you intervene? And since the answer is always "of course," we don't know what to do with the apparently inexorable logic of someone like Tiller's assailant. That's what he is doing, right?

No, that's not what he is doing. In the first scenario, you are dealing with a lone criminal, and if you successfully save the child, the society in which you live will acclaim your bravery, and throw their hats in the air. With the abortion evil, to declare war on the abortionist is to declare war on the whole society, which has sided with the abortionist, and has defined his gruesome practice as somebody'e "choice." Note -- at this point this is not an argument for not declaring war on the whole society. It is simply an argument against those who insist upon it without knowing that this is what they are in fact doing.

"Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?" (Luke 14:31)

We are pampered and spoiled, and we believe that civil order somehow just happens by itself. We are like city kids that believe that meat is something that "just appears" at Safeway, all neatly done in shrink wrap. We believe that if there were no police, everything would still go along all right, with maybe a few rough edges. Right.

So the issue is not whether you would step in to save a kid. The question is whether you would be willing to reduce a society to anarchy for the sake of saving that kid, when you (should) know that the anarchy you introduce is going to be responsible for the deaths of far more children than you managed to save. Generals in warfare have to deal with this kind of triage all the time, and we cannot indulge in the rhetoric of war without learning what war actually involves.

Is abortion evil? Yes. Does America deserve the wrath of God because of it? Yes. Could the Lord destroy us all for it and no injustice done? Yes. Am I the Lord? No.

Read the rest.

James MacDonald:

Inside each of us is a God given longing for justice. If we focus exclusively on a particular injustice in society or in our own lives we will become bitter and eventually irrational. Nowhere is this more common than on the front lines of the fight against abortion. How difficult to see up close the greatest injustice of our day unrelenting and increasingly undeterred. Where the injustice is greatest, the greatest faith in the ultimate wrath of God is needed.

Romans 12:19 ” Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.

Gerald, (also posting here on Straight Up) just reminded me that the command to leave place for God’s wrath is followed immediately by the Romans 13 passage describing the government as “an avenger carrying out God’s wrath.” (v.4) Surely if our government would do its job in dealing with these murderers there would be less temptation for people to take matters into their own hands. However this clearly does not in any sense justify taking matters into our own hands.

Where government authorities fail in their job, we are to wait on the ultimate justice of God Himself. Of course Tiller deserved death, but in God’s time and according to the means God has ordained. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TRY AND DO GOD’S JOB FOR HIM!! That is always wrong and a set back for the countless faithful people who war against the evil scourge of abortion with patient reason and Christ honoring, law abiding resistance.

Read the rest.

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