Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Used To Want To Be A Rock Star

Five years ago, I wanted to be a rock star. I wouldn't have said it like that; it was more shrouded in words like, "ministry impact", blah, blah, blah, etc. During that season of my life, the thought of spending a week leading singing for 80 7-12th graders wasn't exactly what I conceived of as "making it".

Then I moved to Nashville and didn't really become a rock star, but did get to play on some big stages, ride on a big bus, play for some big crowds and had my face on a big screen. What I thought was going to make me content wasn't all that I thought it was going to be.

Five years later, here I am. Leading music at this beautiful camp in New Mexico for 80 7-12th graders. There are no more musical mountains to climb, no more rock star aspirations to achieve, and no mysteries to unravel. I love serving, leading and being with these kids and I love how God has given me not what I thought I wanted but something much better, namely contentment.


Seth Ward said...

I heard N.T. Wright say something recently that has stuck with me:

"God let Paul dream of traveling to Spain so that he would write Romans."


JHG said...

Thanks for the post Zack. Very true. Don't know if you saw it or not, but Google picked up on your topic with these adds in my feeder:

Rock Star Party Supplies
Rock Star Soundtrack
Marvelless Mark
Rock Star


weaver said...

I love you, bro. But you've got to admit that somewhere deep inside you're still down with G.O.D. Who's down with G.O.D. Okoboji! War SBG.

Tree Newt said...

Z, ten years ago, I was "sure" God was "calling" me to a career in CCM. Made a fool out of myself with that one. Here I am, ten years later, and I get to teach 75 6th graders about Jesus every day of the week, and then get the absolute humbling privilege of leading the entire middle and high school in worship of our great God once a week.

I wouldn't trade this for all the big hair, big amps, and big egos in the world!

And I really like the quote Seth left.

Vitamin Z said...


Yeah, I certainly am still down with the G.O.D.


Christopher Lake said...

Thank you for this post, Zach. Your humility and contentment are a blessing to read about and to witness in person every week at DSC (Desert Springs Church, for people who may be new to Zach's blog).

Three years ago, I was fairly sure that God was "leading" me to seminary for a degree in Biblical Counseling, and quite possibly, a formal "career" as a counselor. I still have the desire. Some people say that I have the gifting. However, I no longer have the certainty and *self*-confidence about my life heading in that direction that I once did-- and if God ever does allow me to have a formal career as a Biblical Counselor, I think it is precisely this lack of certainty and self-confidence, in and of myself, which will help me to hopefully be of use to God and His people.

I'm not holding onto the dream and the plan so tightly anymore. My new "dream" is simply for me glorify God, wherever He has me, in whatever way *He* sovereignly chooses. My new "plan" is to plan with a deeper understanding that God may have me to do something far different than what I think, or perhaps on a selfish level, *want*-- but ultimately, His will *will* be done in my life, and that is always and undeniably best.

Scott Sterner said...

Zach. You'll always be my rock star! :) Nash-town was a place you needed to go to get you where you are and where you'll be going. A journey worth taking.