Wednesday, June 03, 2009

UP - A Review

Ben Witherington reviews, UP. He writes:
I will not spoil the story for you, but will say that the movie is certainly much better than most of the summer faire you are likely to be offered between now and the end of August, and it certainly is a film you can watch with your children without fear of subliminal but influential messages that are inherently unChristian. It is neither too long, nor too short, and it is full of creativity mostly on the CG side of the equation. This movie reminds us of the words of Tennyson about there being a tide in the affairs of humankind which if taken at the flood leads on to great things, or at least fresh adventures and good things. And while that message may be a cautionary tale, it can also be an uplifting one.
If you have seen it already, please add your comments.

1 comment:

sean.b said...

Although I thought the movie was FANTASTIC, I wouldn't say that it's a great movie to take your kids too....although it was perfectly clean and there were good family values, it was a film with a lot of very serious part that I don't think little kids could appreciate. There were funny parts too, but I'm not sure that this is the best movie to take your kids too.