Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Another Perspective on "Calling"

J.D. Graeer:
So, let me say it clearly: I DON’T THINK YOU NEED TO BE ‘CALLED’ TO GO OVERSEAS. No more than I think you need to be “called” to live missionally wherever you are. I don’t think you have to wait until God spells out “Africa” in your Cheerios one morning. I think you, as a disciple, have to ask, “How can my talents best be used in God’s mission all over the world?” If the answer is that you can be part of an overseas community-building, Jesus-preaching project, don’t wait for a “calling”. Pack your bags.

Instead of “calling,” maybe what we should be looking for from God is GUIDANCE. Maybe our prayer should go like this: “God, you did not give your talents to me for me, simply to live where I want to live and make a ton of money to live luxuriously. My talents are yours—dedicated to doing all I can to extend the message of your Kingdom all over the world. Guide me in seeing where I can be most beneficial on earth.” If you’re not willing to pray that prayer and obey what God tells you out of it, then you’re not really a disciple of Jesus.
Read the rest.

Kevin DeYoung's new book, Just Do Something, speaks to this issue as well. I have found great freedom in recent days from thinking along these lines. I am not paralyzed anymore by waiting for God to write things in the sky for me (though he could if he wanted to, but rarely does). This is no excuse for being cavalier with decision-making, but the vast majority of us rarely will err on that side. Stay close to God's word and then act by faith!


Matt Perman said...

I agree totally.

ray_thejake said...

I agree with his sentiment, but I'd rather resuscitate "calling" and "vocation," since they have been used since Jesus' time. Perhaps we've just gotten so loud that we've forgotten how to listen for the calling.