Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama, Adoption, and Planned Parenthood

Russell Moore on Twitter:
You cannot encourage adoption by giving tax money to Planned Parenthood.

My comment:
Obama says he wants to increase support for adoption in unwanted pregnancies. He also says he wants to increase support for Planned Parenthood through your tax dollars.

These two options are mutually exclusive. If Planned Parenthood would encourage adoption to their clients they would lose millions of dollars a year that they make through taking the lives of children.

Obama's stance is like saying, "I want to make sure that every child in America is protected from abusive parents" while at the same time giving every parent in America $50 for every bruise they inflict on their child with their fists.

If you really wanted to encourage adoption you wouldn't pay big money to a business that makes even bigger money off kids being disposed of by their parents.

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