Friday, July 17, 2009

Restricting Medicaid Funding for Abortions Lowers Abortion Rates

The title of this post seems rather obvious does it not? If you pay for something, it usually will produce results. Seems pretty counter-intuitive to me to think that we can fully fund something and then expect to "reduce the need for" it. But guys way smarter than me have done some rather in-depth research on this. Check it out below.

Michael New summarizes:
Overall, the results indicate that there is a very strong consensus among both public-health researchers and economists that public funding restrictions lower abortion rates. The Guttmacher literature review contains citations to 20 academic studies documenting this. These studies analyze data from a range of sources including surveys and aggregate data from the federal, state, and local level. Conversely, Guttmacher identifies only about four studies which show that the effects of public-funding restrictions are inconclusive.
Read his whole post.

(HT: Justin Taylor)

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