Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Russell Moore Addresses New Horror Movie Called, "Orphan"

Denny Burk:
Russell Moore guest-hosted “The Albert Mohler Program” (AMP) yesterday and took on the negative stereotyping of the new horror movie “Orphan.” It was a timely show, and you should listen to it. Below is the audio and description of the program from the AMP website.

“How to Protect Orphans from Hollywood”

“Why are people so afraid of orphans? Orphans often find themselves demonized by Hollywood, and it’s happened again with the release of a new horror film about a deranged orphan girl called, Orphan. Why is it that the least of these are so easily preyed upon by those who should protect them? Guest host Dr. Russell Moore discusses the blessings, challenges, and necessity of adopting with guest Jedd Medefind, Executive Director of Christian Alliance for Orphans.”

1 comment:

John C said...

I haven't listened to the program, but I saw some other stuff on this movie some time ago - long before anyone could have seen the movie. It was a petition against the movie. (does the program mention them actually seeing the movie?) Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't say that I've ever heard anything about "Orphan" fear in our society? Maybe I'm just out of the loop. But doesn't this seem like the kinda thing that only serves to bring MORE attention to the movie rather than solve any problem? And it would seem as if the movie is clearly a horror movie - not supposed to be anything to instill any realistic idea that we need to fear orphans. It seems as if drawing the conclusion that Hollywood is creating negative stereotypes of orphans from this movie is like looking at the movie "The Exorcist" and saying that it promotes negative stereotypes of girls, daughters or anyone with schizophrenic/emotional disorders? Is it possibly just that the title "The Orphan" is causing problems for some?