Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Kingdom of God and the Fatherless

Guest post by Jason Kovacs

One of my prayers is that local churches and couples around the country would be so gripped by the Gospel that they would be compelled to care for the 145 million orphans in the world today. The potential is massive as the church is the only organization in the universe that has the the mandate and the resources through the Spirit to change the world for the fatherless.

Tim Keller recently wrote that the local church is "a pilot plant of the kingdom of God." That means the church is called by God to extend itself to the ends of the earth, literally bringing the kingdom of God to earth. Keller writes, "The church is to use its gifts and power to heal all the results of sin, spiritual, psychological, social, physical." I talk to churches every day around the country who are doing just that. It is inspiring. It is making a radical difference. It is beautifully biblical.

I have the privilege of working for an organization called ABBA Fund. It is our mission to provide financial assistance to Christian families adopting and to help local churches establish adoption funds. We also sponsor an annual conference focusing on our adoption in Christ and the implications on our care of orphans. If you are interested in learning more about how your church and individual families can live out God's heart for the fatherless here are a few resources:

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