Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Living a Dependent, Spirit-Directed Life

Guest post by: Doug Wolter

I'm learning there's a difference between telling God what I want Him to do and asking Him to bless it, versus asking God what He wants me to do and depending on Him to provide it.

One is controlling and self-reliant, while the other is humble and God-reliant. One comes with closed hands and a posture of independence while the other comes with open hands and a posture of dependence. One is sensible to man and the other is sensitive to the Spirit.

Jonathan Dodson, in his new book, Fight Clubs: God-Centered Discipleship, gives a much needed exhortation about living a dependent, Spirit-directed life:

How is the Spirit directing your life? Very often, our modern, self-reliant sensibilities cut the Spirit right out of everyday decision-making. Rarely do we request or expect the Spirit’s direction. Yet, we are repeatedly told to “walk” in the Spirit throughout the Bible (Ezek 36:27; Rom 8:4; Gal 5:16, 25), and to make decisions by seeking the Lord (Prov 3:4-6; Jas 4:13-15). Being motivated by the Spirit should affect not just moral decisions but our general approach to life. Paul tells us to “be filled with the Spirit” (Eph 5:25). How often do we start our day by requesting a fresh filling of the Spirit’s power for the day that lies ahead? Instead, we assume his presence and barrel ahead. Our assumption of the Spirit reveals our self-reliant Christianity. We start and continue our days in our own strength, failing to acknowledge the urgency of the fight of faith and our utter need for the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.

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