Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Smallest Change That Made The Biggest Difference

Shaun Groves writes about "The Smallest Change That Made The Biggest Difference". Know what it was? They canceled their cable. I appreciated his reflections.

We still have basic cable in our home but probably only watch about 5 hrs a week on most weeks, if that. This certainly is a Christian freedom issue, but it would be good to think through Shaun's rationale. He is a good thinker and communicator.


Jason Kanz said...

You know what? This makes a lot of sense. We backed off from super-extended-supremo-monster cable a few months ago, to basic. Since we did that a few months ago, I have probably watched 2 hours of TV.

Now I just spend all my time on the Internet. :-/

daniel (comfortbetrays) said...

"...only watch about 5 hrs a week..."

Only? :-)

Sam said...

'only' basic cable....and you spend how many hours a day combing the interwebs for cat massage/daredevil parking kid videos?

Vitamin Z said...

Google Reader does all the work for me!