Thursday, September 03, 2009

And The Nasty Story of the Day Goes To This One...

Some guys over at the local Pepsi plant are still getting a good chuckle from their little prank...


The “disgusting” blob that Fred DeNegri’s wife says she poured out of his Diet Pepsi can was probably a gutted frog or toad, the Food and Drug Administration said.

DeNegri was grilling in his backyard tiki bar in Ormond Beach, Florida, when he popped open a can of Diet Pepsi, took a big gulp and started gagging, his wife, Amy, said.

He emptied out the can down a sink but something heavy remained inside. His wife took over and shook the can over a paper plate until something resembling “pink linguini” slid out, followed by “dark stuff,” Amy DeNegri said.

“It was disgusting,” said Amy DeNegri, 55. “And now, what started out as a normal afternoon in our tiki bar has blown up into this crazy thing.”

The DeNegris took pictures before calling poison control and the FDA, which showed up the next day to examine the can in question and collect it for lab testing.

The couple received a copy of the completed report last week from the Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory Affairs, which concluded the foreign matter appeared to be a frog or a toad.

Read the rest.

(HT: Skye)

1 comment:

Jason Kanz said...


I once found a needle in a can of Mountain Dew. They gave me a free 12 pack, apparently missing the point that if I had wanted to sue them, I could have probably gotten a full case.