Monday, September 14, 2009

VMA Reflections

A couple days ago I posted a link from Walt Mueller about why he thinks you should watch the MTV Video Music Awards. Today he posts his reflections. I think they are worth reading and pondering.


Unknown said...

uhg. i really don't like Kanye West.

anyway, Mueller's comment here is interesting:

"Lady Gaga is the best indicator of where we are and where we're going as a culture."

(i wonder if this is true?)

"For that reason, she warrants our attention, and a deconstruction of her music, story, and worldview. Her popularity means that her message is getting through."

Elizabeth said...

The problem with the internet is that it has a very short memory. I think MTV needs to drag out that old "Best of the VMAs" special again so people can stop acting so ~shocked~ that someone upstaged someone else at the VMAs. We're talking about a show that regular features people's rear ends as a source of humor. It's not exactly the Oscars.