Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kiss Me Again - A Review

Darryl Dash:

Kiss Me Again is based on the premise that past sexual relationships and experiences before marriage damage the sexual relationship within marriage. Wilson shares her story and the story of others, and provides practical advice on how to break free from the past and re-establish bonds of intimacy within marriage.

I would actually recommend this book for pastors and leaders who work with Christian women. We are called to deal with many of the issues raised in this book. I found some new insights in this book that I will be using. It’s helped me to get a grip on some of the practical issues that need to be dealt with before the wedding and after. Churches cannot afford to ignore this issue.

I’d also recommend this book to single women. It gives a preview of the issues that will come from getting physical before marriage. It’s not prudish. It’s realistic, though, about how sex outside of marriage affects us.

Finally, I’d recommend this book to women who would like to rekindle intimacy in their marriage. There’s lots of practical help in this book. It deals sensitively with some very tough issues.

I think this book could also be supplemented with other material from CCEF, or from books like Unpacking Forgiveness by Chris Brauns.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book, but I’m glad to see someone dealing with such an important topic that needs to be addressed with sensitivity and Biblical wisdom.

By the way, I’ll be giving away a free copy of this book tomorrow. And I’ll have a much more manly post too. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do everything I can to win that copy. As a Bible study leader for college freshmen, I need further wisdom in leading them in a way of purity! what they do now WILL affect them later.