Monday, October 19, 2009

Reaching The Next Generation

Kevin DeYoung:
Reaching the next generation—whether they are outside the church or sitting there bored in your church—is easier and harder than you think. It’s easier because you don’t have to get a degree in postmodern literary theory or go to a bunch of stupid movies. You don’t have to say “sweet” or “bling” ” or know what LOL or IMHO means. You don’t have to listen to…well, whatever people listen to these days. You don’t have to be on twitter, watch The Office, or imbibe fancy coffees. You just have to be like Jesus. That’s it. So the easy part is you don’t have to be with it. The hard part is you have to be with Him. If you walk with God and walk with people, you’ll reach the next generation.
Read the rest to see him unpack this more fully.

1 comment:

Christopher Lake said...

What a great and needed message! Even though I am a serious lover of art and culture (especially quality books, films, and music), at 36 years old, I often feel "out of it" around younger people. It is simply impossible to keep up with every new band and every new movie. Moreover, there are *some* things to which a Christian probably should not expose him/herself, for the good of his/her soul... How good it is to know that it is the Gospel, openly proclaimed, which reaches and saves non-Christians, rather than the Christian's knowledge (or lack thereof) of popular culture!