The next thing I would do would be to buy a copy of Adopted For Life by Russell Moore for every one of your pastors. There is a specific chapter in that book that deals with the local church and adoption/orphan care. Dr. Moore's book is one of the most winsome and articulately written books I have ever read. You won't be sorry on this one.
Lastly, partner with a ministry to help you manage the enabling of your people to pay for adoption via interest free loans that you would provide for them. Most people will get a huge tax refund for their adoption and can easily use that money to pay back their interest free loan. Your church would simply establish a fund (whatever amount you can) that would have a constant flow of people drawing from it and people paying back into it. At a certain point, based on the size of your church, the fund could be self sustaining. There are two organizations that I would recommend for this:
- The ABBA FundBoth links will give you info on how to get all this set up. Our church is working with ABBA Fund and have had a very positive experience.
- Lifesong
Doing these three things should get you off and running. Any other questions? Feel free to email me at zachnielsen7ATgmailDOTcom
Thank you so much, Zach, for sharing your proposal. I am in the early stages of introducing this at my church and this is a huge help!
You did a great job of blogging T4A, but the way. I really appreciate it.
- Jessica in Florida (a friend of Molly & Abraham's)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This proposal is a God send. I am in the very preliminary stages of developing an Orphan Ministry at my local church but I wasn't sure of how to arrange and present my thoughts on it. I prayed earlier today for God to show me how I could organize my proposal and I found your document. I feel so much better prepared to discuss this issue with the pastoral staff. Thanks again and I know that God will continue to bless your ministry.
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