Saturday, October 03, 2009

Together For Adoption - Session Five - Michael Easley

The title of Michael’s message was “Orphan Care And Jesus, The Great Servant of the Poor”

He began by giving us a tour of the word “orphan” from the Old and New Testaments. It occurs 41 times in the Old and 2 times in the New.

In the OT there is a trinity of three types of oppressed people. The orphan, the alien and the widow. These three types of people all are given by God as examples of those people who represent the weak and vulnerable. God’s people, Israel, are commanded to not oppress these people. Given their history in Egypt they should remember what it feels like to be weak and vulnerable and thus be very slow to mistreat anyone like that.

Michael said God is “freight train” serious about this. Hell is for those who would abuse the weak. Malachi 3:5 demonstrates this very well.

Michael reminded us that we were spiritual throw away children the moment we were conceived. We were dead in sin. If you don’t know Christ you are in more peril than an orphan who does.

He then gave us some examples of people who are living out these truths of the gospel in the area of adoption. One of them is the story of Katie. She moved to Uganda to care for the poor. She ended up staying there and adopting 14 children. She is only 21. You can read her blog here. This is a staggering story of selflessness, sacrifice, and blessing.

He then showed us the video that I posted a few days ago.
If you did not watch it then I would encourage you to watch it now. May our churches be full of people who would do the same as this couple had done to them.

He ended his message by challenging those of us to quit talking about the financial obstacles as if God will not provide. If God cares for the weak as much as he says he does in his word, then would it not follow that he will provide for those who want to be his hand and feet in caring for these weak ones? He will provide the path and resources.

Click here for a bio of Michael Easley.

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