Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vision Statement For Our Church Plant in Madison, WI

This will be the core DNA of The Vine. These are the things we will fight for and seek to establish through all facets of the church. We are hoping to be on the ground in Madison, WI by June of 2010. More info coming soon...

GOSPEL: The Gospel is the good news that through Christ the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to renew the whole world. This renewing work of Jesus is what saves us from our sin and transforms us into His image. The Gospel is not merely a message for lost people, but also a message for believers that shapes every facet of the church.

At The Vine, our value for Gospel-centered ministry will drive us to preach and teach Christ-centered, grace-filled messages that empower believers to live in obedience. This Gospel-centered vision will also express itself as we conclude our weekly community services celebrating the Lord’s Table, remembering Christ’s body that was broken and blood that was shed, proclaiming the Lord’s death until the day He comes to fully restore His kingdom.

COMMUNITY: The Gospel is not just a message to be believed, but a power to be experienced. The gospel shapes a new community as those who were formerly God’s enemies are reconciled to Him and adopted into his family. The church is not a place, but a people – a community that is continually being reformed and renewed by the transforming power of the gospel.

At The Vine, our value for community will drive us to be a simple church that resists complicated program-driven ministry models. Because of this, our community will be expressed in primarily two forms; the community worship service and city groups. Our city groups will be communities that share life and truth, meals and mission. City groups are where the church is the church to one another and the city.

MISSION: The Gospel doesn't merely call us into a relationship with Christ and one another, it also sends us out into the world on mission. It is our desire to see The Vine be a church that both embodies and proclaims the Gospel winsomely in the city of Madison. The embodiment of the Gospel will be expressed in our love for the city as we meet its various physical and emotional needs. The proclamation of the Gospel will be expressed through our intentional relationships with lost people as we love them and share Christ with them right where they are in our own network of relationships.

At The Vine, our value for mission will drive us to develop future leaders for the purpose of releasing them to become tomorrow’s ministers, missionaries, and church planters. Our vision is not only to build one church, but to build a movement of the Gospel expressing itself in the reduplication of both disciples and churches both locally and around the world.


Dan S. said...

If you become a Badger fan once you move to Madison I will punch you.

Vitamin Z said...


Don't worry. I will stay true to my first love. I was thinking about the switch though... They have won my heart this year being 6-0. Basketball has a LONG way to go though it sounds like.


Christopher Lake said...

Wow-- this is a great, great vision statement, and my prayers are with you and the other people involved, as you seek in love to reach Madison for Christ!

Dave T. said...

Zach, looking forward to The Vine getting established here in Madison. Let us know if you need anything during the transition.
