Monday, November 30, 2009

Girls Gone Mild

Denny Burk:
Nightline ran a story last week called “Girls Gone Mild” about a program called “Pure Fashion” that encourages young girls to dress modestly. This story registers high on the counter-cultural meter, so I thought it would be worth passing along to you.

You can watch the video here or read the text version here.

1 comment:

Ben Mordecai said...

Unfortunately, I don't think that this campaign will be successful.

Ultimately it is just a legalistic set of rules about modesty and never addresses the underlying reasons that girls would want to dress immodestly in the first place.

If women understand that they were bought by Jesus, have a debt to their brothers to edify and not tempt them, and find their cravings for approval satisfied in Jesus' words to the adulterous woman, "Neither do I condemn you," I think all the fights about skirt length and chest exposure will melt away.

It is not enough for a girl to have modest clothing if they still crave the attention of boys to the point that they are willing to lead them to sin.