Thursday, November 19, 2009

"You 86 the rules. You do what just feels right. . . "

Walt Mueller:
Youth culture is a map and a mirror. It is both directive and reflective. We watch it to see where it's sending us and our kids. We watch it to see where we are. We monitor, deconstruct, and exegete it to know how to bring the map of the Biblical world and life view to bear on the realities that exist. A world that's not the way it's supposed to be keeps heading in that direction. We're in desperate need of being straightened out, fixed, and made new. That's why we listen and watch carefully.

Looking for a cultural map and mirror to ponder and talk about over the next month or so? Here's one worth engaging.

"You 86 the rules. You do what just feels right. . . "

The last thing we need is more spiritual "rules" for non-Christians to follow. That will destroy Christianity, but the phrase, "just do what feels right" is about as destructive as it gets.


Unknown said...

wow, the message in this commercial comes across loud and clear.

Matthew Birch said...

I wonder why they didn't include Festivus?

asc said...

some fun dancers!