Thursday, November 05, 2009

Z Music - Prelude in E Minor

Prelude in E Minor - Bach from Zach Nielsen on Vimeo.


Andrew said...

Congrats on the fugue and this. Have you had any coaching or have you just worked these up on your own?

Vitamin Z said...

Mainly worked on them by myself. Got some feedback?


Andrew said...

Dude, I think you're doing great. But don't be afraid to be expressive, do some things dynamically to make it your own and to bring out the changes in harmony and such. Hear the lines and follow through each one. Honestly, though, congrats. Have you played any of the other preludes/fugues?

Vitamin Z said...


Thanks for the feedback. Yes, you are right, I do need work in those areas. Got another 5 months until the performance! :)


Andrew said...

Have you ever tried just going through and playing the harmonies? I know it's only two lines in this prelude, but when you get the feel for the underlying harmonic changes, it can really bring it alive.

Vitamin Z said...

Not sure what that means.

Andrew said...

There's always a harmonic structure: e.g. it's really clear when the prelude lands in G major, right? So all along there are harmonies implied, even if they're not really spelled out. When you figure those out, you can go through and just play the chord progression, which will give you some direction. I figured that might help since you're a jazz guy. You can always just ignore it. I'll never know...:)

Vitamin Z said...

I hear you. I just didn't know what you meant.
