Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tim Tebow and the Super Bowl Commercial

You have probably heard by now that Tim Tebow is going to appear in a pro-life commercial during the Super Bowl.  This sportswriter has an interesting take on this.  Unfortunately I think he is probably right.  It's not that surprising.  Jesus promised it.


Unknown said...

i was tracking with him until he (of course) dropped the "I word" - "intolerance"

so, as we watch the game with our non-believing friends, we can prepare ahead of time to hear that word come up - and respond!

Vitamin Z said...

Great point. Thanks Brian.


Anonymous said...

I think the author assumes that sports & popularity are the most important thing to Tebow and that his Christian faith & witness are secondary b/c it's as if the author is saying "why take the risk making this stand on abortion b/c it puts people positively perceiving you in jeopardy." Also, why should Tebow be cautious about taking a stand on an issue 50% of people disagree with? 50% agree with him!

Vitamin Z said...

Exactly. Don't be anonymous next time.

asc said...

"How many fans watching the Super Bowl will be able to raise their hand and assert that they've never gambled or had premarital sex or supported the theory of evolution? (Heck, some may do all three during the telecast.)?"


Another note...hypocritical to the core...what would tebow have to do not to fall into the author's category?